August 16, 2019

European Navigation Conference (ENC 2020)

We invite all of you to take part in European Navigation Conference (ENC 2020), Dresden, Germany. All information about conference you can find here>>>

European Navigation Conference (ENC 2020)

We invite all of you to take part in European Navigation Conference (ENC 2020), Dresden, Germany. All information about conference you can find here>>>

January 2, 2019

European Navigation Conference ENC 2019

Polish Navigation Forum is the organizer of ENC 2019, which will be held on 9-12.04.2019 in Warsaw. For more information, please visit

December 13, 2018

Election of new Polish Navigation Forum Council

On 12 December 2018 the General Election Assembly of the members of the Polish Navigation Forum took place. During the Assembly, the association’s authorities were elected for the term 2018-2022:

The Board PNF:
Krzysztof Czaplewski (GMU, Gdynia) – President
Members of the Board PNF:
Marek Grzegorzewski (AFA, Dęblin)
Janusz Uriasz (SMU, Szczecin)
Adam Weintrit (GMU, Gdynia)
In addition, according to the PNF Articles, members of the board are editors-in-chief of scientific titles:
Mariusz Wąż (PNA, Gdynia) –editor-in-chief „Forum Nawigacji”
Piotr Zwolan (PNA, Gdynia) –editor-in-chief „Annual of Navigation”

The Audit Commission PNF:
Artur Makar (PNA, Gdynia) – chairman
Members of the Audit Commission PNF:
Wacław Morgaś (PNA, Gdynia)
Henryk Nitner (PNA, Gdynia)

September 2, 2018

NavSup 2018 Conference

Polskie Forum Nawigacyjne jest współorganizatorem konferencji NavSup2018 organizowanej przez Instytut Nawigacji i Hydrografii Morskiej AMW oraz Polskie Forum Nawigacyjne. Więcej informacji po kliknięciu na baner powyżej – ZAPRASZAMY!!!